

英國《經濟學人》(The Economist)週報在1948年12月25日刊載了一篇文章,內容有關蔣介石政權撤向台灣的可能性,並敘述當時台灣在農業、工業與貿易方面的經濟狀況。下方標簽分別是中文翻譯與原文,取自「HUSO」文獻庫。









提高甘蔗與稻米生產的主要限制因素在於肥料的短缺。1938年間,福爾摩沙使用了650,675噸的商品化肥料,其中包含了217,300噸的豆餅(soya-bean cake)。至於當局在去年所能得到的,則只有80,000噸的進口化學肥料、40,000噸的豆餅,以及20,000噸的本地產肥料。截至今年八月底,進口的化學肥料只有44,000噸。福爾摩沙經濟原本高度整合於日本經濟之中。雖然福爾摩沙在經濟上與戰前日本相比較為落後,但在農業與工業方面都還是比中國先進。肥料的短缺,清楚地呈現出當某個經濟體系的一部份被撕開並接往他處時,所帶來的難以避免的脫節。據可靠報導,福爾摩沙的肥料需求,今後將要依靠美國的援助計劃。

大多數日本人的大型工業設施,現在都由省政府與中央政府的資源委員會(National Resources Commission)所共同持有,並且由後者經營。經營方面受到美國顧問的協助,同時,尤其在糖業方面,也有一部分日本專家的協助。(僅存留在島上的日本人,除此則只有一些福爾摩沙男人的妻子,以及在臺北的大學裡約莫30名的日本教授與講師)有三家企業是由資源委員會單獨持有並經營:包括戰時供給日本海軍燃料,且被美國轟炸機嚴重擊損的高雄煉油廠,以及基隆附近的金銅礦場(如今產量只有每月1,500盎司黃金與100噸銅),還有高雄的製鋁工廠。這座製鋁廠是島上最精良的工業設施,計劃的生產量是每年20,000噸的未加工鋁錠,不過在日本時代都還未超出12,000噸的產量。美國的空襲使其嚴重受損。復原工作仍然進行當中,當前每年的生產量約有3,000噸。電力短缺是主要的限制因素之一。按照日本人的估計,每生產12,000噸需要42,000千瓦,生產20,000噸則需要60,000千瓦。如今只有16,000千瓦可用。

Isle of Refuge?


FOR some time there has been talk of President Chiang Kai-shek and his Government withdrawing to the island of Formosa if they are unable to continue resistance to the Communists in continental China. Steps indeed appear to have been taken to prepare Formosa as a base, and high government officials are reported to have been sending their families there. There is precedent in Chinese history for a last stand in Formosa, for, when the Manchus overran China in the seventeenth century, the supporters of the defeated Ming dynasty held out in Formosa for two decades after the mainland had fallen to the conquerors from the north. The precedent is not altogether a reassuring one, for the Manchus got Formosa in the end, but then the defenders had to rely entirely on their own local resources and could not expect aid from across the ocean.

The hope of preserving an anti-Communist regime in Formosa, even after a military collapse on the mainland, is, of course, based on the fact that Formosa is an island, and cannot be invaded without shipping and naval cover. It is assumed that either the Chinese navy, such as it is, will remain loyal to the Government, or else that the American navy, on account of the strategic important of Formosa to the United States, would provide protection and bar a Communist invasion; if nether of these conditions were to be fulfilled, Formosa would be no easier to defend than any other part of China. That Formosa is of great interest to the United States Navy Department is apparent from its geographical position in the island chain fringing Asia, from Japan to the Philippines; moreover, it is already well provided with airfields which were constructed for its defence by the Japanese and the neighbouring harbour of Makung in the Pescadores islands was formerly one of the most important Japanese naval bases, their farthest south outpost towards the Philippines. If the United States were to continue to recognize a Chinese government in Formosa as legal in spite of a Communist occupation of Nanking, it would be in order to support it with naval assistance and thus keep the island from falling into the hands of an anti-American power. If, on the other hand, Washington were to decide to recognise a Communist-dominated coalition government in Nanking any separate regime in Formosa would be, in international law, a rebel authority and the Americans would be precluded from supporting it; the Communists then might get hold of Formosa and if China were to make an alliance with Russia, it would be available as an advance base for Soviet air power in time of war.

Apart from the question of naval protection, there would be the problem of economic viability for a refugee government in Formosa. In this respect the situation would be more promising, even without American aid or the bullion and American dollar reserves which the Government would presumably be able to bring with it from the evacuation of Nanking and Shanghai. In spite of initial neglect and mismanagement after its restoration to China in 1945, it is today one of China’s principal assets for foreign trade. It is not particularly well endowed with natural resources, but both its industrial and its agricultural potentialities had been efficiently exploited by the Japanese. The value of its exports to foreign countries is today approximately on tenth of the value of all China’s exports, and their volume is exceeded only by the exports being shipped out of Shanghai. The value varies from month to month, depending chiefly on the amount of sugar exported; but the total figure for this year is expected to exceed US$21 million. The island’s usefulness to China may be gauged by comparing this last figure with Formosa’s allocations of foreign exchange, which for the first two quarters of this year amounted to US$2,177,800 and US$1,957,800 respectively. Trade with the mainland for the first six months of this year showed an excess of exports over imports of Taiwan $13.5 million.

In terms of value, more than three-quarters of Formosa’s exports to foreign countries consists of sugar, the next most important exports being tea, cement, pineapples and alcohol (a by-product of sugar). Under the Japanese there were 42 sugar mills producing, at their peak, 1,400,000 tons of sugar a year. Only eight mills were discovered intact at the end of the war, the rest having been damaged in bombing raids or allowed to fall into disrepair through neglect. Moreover, the production of sugarcane had dropped sharply, chiefly through lack of fertilisers. Only 30,000 tons of sugar were produced in 1946 and 100,000 tons in 1947. The target for this year 268,000 tons and for 1950 800,000 tons.

Prospects for Rice

Although it does not figure in the current list of exports the next most important crop in Formosa is rice. The Japanese developed rice cultivation intensively, through irrigation and the use of fertilisers, as part of their campaign to make the Japanese empire self-sufficient in food. In the peak year before the war (1938) Formosa produced 48,711,452 bushels of rice, of which nearly half was exported to Japan. Nearly all cultivable land was under cultivation but the Japanese hoped to be able to increase production still further by more scientific methods. Although much higher than in most parts of China the Formosan crop yields were well below those in Japan. Production for 1946 and 1947 totalled 30,977,814 bushels and 38,930,032 bushels respectively, and the estimate for this year is 42,878,000 bushels. Little has been exported legitimately but there has been a considerable amount of smuggling across to the mainland.

In raising the production of suger-cane and rice the chief limiting factor in both cases is the shortage of fertiliser. In 1938 Formosa used 650,675 tons of commercial fertiliser, including 217,300 tons of soya-bean cake. Last year the authorities were able to obtain only 80,000 tons of imported chemical fertiliser, 40,000 tons of bean cake and 20,000 tons of locally manufactured fertiliser. Up to the end of August this year only 44,000 tons of chemical fertiliser had been imported. Formosa’s economy was thoroughly integrated with Japan’s. Although backward economically compared with prewar Japan, Formosa is advanced both agriculturally and industrially compared with China. This shortage of fertiliser illustrates clearly the inevitable dislocation which occurs when an area is torn from one economic system, of which it forms an integral part, and attached to another. It is reliably reported that Formosa’s fertiliser requirements are henceforth going to be covered by the American aid programme.

Most of the big Japanese industrial installation are now owned jointly by the Provincial Government and the National Resources Commission of the central government, being operated by the latter. The managements are being assisted by some American advisers and especially in the sugar field, by some Japanese experts. (The only other Japanese left on the island, apart from some Japanese wives of Formosan men, are about 30 Japanese professors and lecturers at the university in Taipeh.) Three enterprises are owned and operated by the National Resources Commission alone:—-the oil refineries at Kaohsiung which fuelled the Japanese navy during the war and were badly damaged by American bombers, the gold and copper mines near Keelung (currently producing only 1,500 ozs. of gold and 100 tons of copper monthly), and the aluminium works at Kaohsiung. This aluminium plant, the most elaborate single industrial installation on the island, was planned to produce 20,000 tons of unfinished aluminium ingots a year, but under the Japanese it never got beyond the stage of producing 12,000 tons. It was severely damaged by American bombing raids. Rehabilitation is still in progress and it is currently producing about 3,000 tons a year. One of the main limiting factor is shortage of electric power. The Japanese estimated that they required 42,000 Kws. to produce 12,000 tons and 60,000 Kws. to produce 20,000 tons. At present only 16,000 Kws are available.

如文中所提及,糖產、茶、水泥、鳳梨與酒精是重要的出口品;不過,在這之中,水泥其實進口的更多。下圖是《第十八次 臺灣商工統計》中所列出的幾種「移輸出重要品」在1926年到1938年間的出口價額累年變化。品項名稱是出自原始資料,這裡只取用其中記錄完整的部分:

戰後初期台灣的貿易問題,在Fred W. Riggs出版於1951年出版的《Formosa under Chinese Nationalist Rule》中有所討論;按其所收集的數字,台灣在1939年時對外貿易出口價額是153.9百萬美元,進口則有106.1百萬美元。到了戰後,於1949年時,出口價額為66百萬美元,進口則為100百萬美元,且其中有14百萬美元是交與美國的軍備支出。到了1950年,貿易逆差再擴大,達到出口72百萬美元與進口119百萬美元,其中包括日本約7百萬美元的補償款,和來自美國經濟合作總署(Economic Cooperation Administration)20.5百萬美元的援助。




